Huff Post Cries “Sadly, Trump is Winning”

Liberals are losing with their current attack mode about the President. Sure, George Soros’s carefully groomed American NWO prodigy, Jeff Bezos’s [literally] bought-and-paid-for rag, The Washington Post, recently managed to take down Roy Moore by dragging 40-year-old he said/she said mud flinging into the murky waters of the political swamp. But, that hardly signifies the greater picture at play currently unfolding in Washington D.C.

President Trump is doing great.

Remember how he promised us back on the campaign trail that with him in the oval office we’d win so much, we’d get tired of winning?

Well, under President Trump America is STARTING to win again.

As even the Huffington [Com] Post pointed out in a lengthy essay titled, “Sadly, Trump is Winning”.

This is one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to write and admit: Trump is winning. In the brief space of a week, he won a court fight to shove Mick Mulvaney to head the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. Mulvaney wasted no time in unhinging a spate of consumer protection rulings, regulations, and personnel hires made during the Obama years.

His SCOTUS pick, Neil Gorsuch, eagerly cast a vote to impose the Muslim travel ban. His EPA head, Scott Pruitt, delivered a couple million acres of public monument land in the West to oil, gas, and coal industry developers. Trump busily continues to pack the federal judiciary with a parade of ultra-conservative, strict, constructionist Clarence Thomas and Antonin Scalia clones.

Not to mention the tax bill,

He got his tax heist for the rich and corporations through the Senate, and as an extra bonus, brought his long-held dream of dumping the Affordable Care Act closer to reality when the Senate tacked on a provision to the bill wiping out the individual mandate. When the markets took another tick up he crowed even louder that he was the man who brought the good times rolling to America.

And don’t forget acknowledging Jerusalem as the capital of Israel as promised on the campaign trail!

But, nothing in this article is actually favorable to President Trump. The entire point of this write-up is alarming. Liberal whistleblowers are seeking to turn the Democratic Party into a deadly weapon.

President Trump might complain about all the “fake news”. But it really isn’t that big of a problem. It couldn’t be any more obvious how deluded both the Democratic Party and the mainstream news is, right?

They play right into his hands. What more could us ‘deplorables’ ask for?

As always, he did all this with the sheepish connivance of much of the mainstream media, which is always off to the races in giving round-the-clock coverage to his self-serving, vapid tweets as if they were the word from the Mount.

The third winning front for Trump is his perennial ace in the hole: the media. He remains a ratings cash cow for the networks and makes stunning copy for the print media. He knew that from day one of his presidential bid and he knows it even more now. He will continue to suck the media air out of everything that the Democrats do and try to do.

We don’t want the liberal’s arising from their gutters with semi-coherent policies in place!

A leopard can’t change his spots. The media is still controlled by the Deep State. Democrats are still liberals.

To paraphrase Shakespeare,

“A rose by any other name would smell as sweet”

Well, a turd by any other name would smell as foul…

Them taking a more sane approach to their coverage of Trump signifies nothing more than a growing movement among the Deep State to stop playing the American people for fools and revamp their defensive strategy against President Trump.

Tell me again why this is a cause for gloating among the right?

That makes just about as much sense as Keith Olbermann’s broadcasts from his Mom’s basement before she stopped charging him rent of course…

Source: Huffington Post , CNN

Image: Gage Skidmore



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