Priorities Matter.
The House left for its cushy summer recess until September 8 without voting to defund Planned Parenthood. Even in the wake of the latest horrific videos released on the abortion giant’s practice of harvesting the body parts of aborted babies for sale to biomedical firms. Learn the sad details here.
“Why do 65 percent of Republican voters think Republicans aren’t doing what we said we were going to do? You know why? Because we’re not doing what we said we were going to do” -Jim Jordan (R. Ohio) on GOP leadership.
Soooooopo true just what they do
Two months vacations paid by U.S.
Of course, they do as usual. Stick their heads in the sands and stick their butts in the air. What else is new?
isn’t that the way they think stall as long as you can and they will forget about it is that obloma on the right? facing hillery??
Urn your pay Congress!!/tjf2006/photos/a.461363727306432.1073741828.437674196342052/742617315847737/?type=1&theater
This is a perfect picture of most of congress.They have got to go .It is time to fire them all if they have been there 3 terms or more. GOD help THE USA.
They should not get a recess, the haven’t done anything worth while, they just keep taking vacations and whinning!
Wow. What lies being told to the American people. First it was the House Bill 3134 vote would happen this week, then moved to Monday now no vote. There in summer recess. I still calling the state senators office and let them have it. America, you got punked, AGAIN.