Hillary: ‘Lauer Being Fired is His Karma for Asking Me About My Private Server’

Hillary shared during a recent promotional event for her memoir What Happened (It was Donald John Trump, Hillary) in the city of brotherly love that she believes Matt Lauer’s firing is karma for him asking her about her private email server ONCE during the 2016 presidential election.

Clinton was in Philadelphia on Thursday promoting her campaign memoir, What Happened, when she was asked about Lauer being fired this week over allegations of sexual misconduct, the Philly Voicereported. Lauer faced a storm of criticism last year when several journalists and commentators deemed his questioning of Clinton at a candidate forum unfair and even sexist.

“Every day I believe more in karma,” Clinton said of Lauer.

She went on to describe how “men who shaped the narrative” of the campaign harmed her but are now under fire for sexual harassment, echoing how her supporters have tied Lauer’s alleged misconduct to his treatment of Clinton. She also repeated her past arguments about the election, primarily blaming a host of outside factors for her defeat.

Shillary might very well be as oblivious as she seems. But, I, however, find it much more likely that she just believes all us ‘common folks’ are too stupid to realize ‘our mistress’ is a lying piece of garbage.

And you also have to keep in mind that by all reports Hillary Clinton’s health is continuing to deteriorate at a rapid pace.

Silver noted that the event was sold out but the hall was “not quite full,” with an audience about two-thirds female. He also wrote about an extended bout of coughing Clinton went through, something that occurred repeatedly during her presidential campaign as well.

At one point early in the evening, Clinton launched into an extended coughing fit, the kind of thing that tended to lead to theories during the campaign that the candidate was concealing some sort of illness. Weiner attempted to fill the time by making a self-deprecating joke about her own last name, but knowing that Clinton’s history with a man of that particular surname is what led to the notorious Comey Letter, she may have not found it so funny.

Hillary Clinton embodies almost every negative stereotype on can conjure up about a modern feminist trying to make it into the ‘good ole boys club’.

Women can do almost anything they set their mind to. The feminist you hear bellyaching about being “oppressed” are just lazy, and/or not the brightest crayon in the box. Successful women are too busy working and winning to stop and complain about perceived emotional slights or disadvantages.

Seriously why would this self-proclaimed “competent’ woman ever publically claim she believes in karma?

Hillary Clinton might not think twice about labeling all of her husband’s alleged sexual assault victims “liars” on national television or calling Monika Lewinsky a “narcissistic loony toon” for daring to go where she never dared go in connection to her husband. But, she thinks Matt Lauer is a vile piece of scum, which he arguably is.

However, it’s only because he asked her about her criminal actives while secretary of state and nothing to do with his actual treatment of women!

And the dumb rock still wonders why the majority of women didn’t vote for her!

Riddle me that.  

Source: Free Beacon 



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