Hillary Inspired Resistance Army Through Secret Initiative

While Creamer was sending his minions out in the field to spread the “love of all things Hillary” by disrupting law-abiding Trump supporters and inciting violence at their rallies, Project Veritas was continuing to do undercover work in exposing this fraudulent enterprise and tracing the roots of this insidious program back to the mistress in charge, Hillary Clinton.

As can clearly be seen by these videos, the Resistance movement began with Hillary and has persisted through her efforts. Not a single one of the Democrats, major or minor, in politics today has ever condemned this type of behavior. But of course, it gets worse.

The rise of Antifa in the streets throughout this country are an offshoot of two different like-ideologies which have coalesced into a creature that is indistinguishable from the Brownshirts of the Nazi era. While Hillary’s inspired movement through TRI and Operation Disrupt Trump were ongoing, there was a simultaneous indoctrination process going on within academia where our nation’s unsuspecting children were literally being thrown to the Leftist wolves by their very own parents.

In study after study, it is a known fact that American colleges and universities are overwhelmingly Liberal in policy and curriculum, accounting for a rise in the popularity of ideas such as Socialism and Communism among Millennials.

This forced indoctrination has led most conservative students to actively mask their true beliefs and opinions for fear that their grades will suffer. The American halls of higher learning have literally become anti-Free Speech zones where any dissenting opinion will be met swiftly and with disrespect, condescension and even, in many cases, physical assault.

This new breed of youth involvement, paired with the Hillary Resistance movement, formed our Antifa army of today…one that seeks to forcibly and “by any means necessary” silence opposition to far-Leftist ideology and implementation of some of the world’s most radical and oppressive mandates.

Turn to the final page to read about the reemergence of a movement to institute a long-abandoned initiative known as the “Fairness Doctrine” and how this particular piece of extra-Constitutional legislation will be instrumental in completing Hillary’s grand, sweeping vision of what America should look like…in HER eyes!NEXT PAGE ยป


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