Hillary Inspired Resistance Army Through Secret Initiative

If you have read the New York Times, the Associated Press, or have viewed videos from CNN or ABC News regarding something called the “Fairness Doctrine,” you’d believe that this piece of legislation was a way for the FCC to regulate the amount of Left- and Right-wing opinion on the airwaves.

You’d only be partially right. The Fairness Doctrine seeks to shut down conservative viewpoints because of its very dominance on the airwaves due to public demand. Talk radio has been the playground of the Right-wing talk shows ever since the first tentative steps of the Rush Limbaugh Show crushed its competition in cities particularly dominated by Left-wing politics. This dominance came out of a frustration on the Right where the American public felt that their conservative opinions were ignored or stifled on the networks, be they television or radio.

This dearth of conservative thought on the radio resulted in a massive popularity for anything Right-wing. Rush Limbaugh spoke to the hearts of many Americans who were lost in a fog of perceived Left-wing majority thinking in the country…something that wasn’t close to reality. The Limbaugh effect was instantaneous and it was like a shock wave to the rest of talk radio which saw literally thousands of soundalikes springing up over the decades.

Once Hillary realized that Limbaugh and his legions of listeners were actually beginning to fight back against the vast Leftist propaganda machine, she formed the Talk Radio Initiative (TRI), but it was largely ineffective. That led to a new push for the reinstitution of something called the Fairness Doctrine.

The Heritage Foundation:

Legislation currently is before Congress that would reinstate a federal communications policy known as the “fairness doctrine.” The legislation, entitled the “Fairness in Broadcasting Act of 1993,” is sponsored in the Senate (S. 333) by Ernest Hollings, the South Carolina Democrat, and in the House (H.R. 1985) by Bill Hefner, the North Carolina Democrat. It would codify a 1949 Federal Communications Commission (FCC) regulation that once required broadcasters to “afford reasonable opportunity for the discussion of conflicting views of public importance.” The fairness doctrine was overturned by the FCC in 1987. The FCC discarded the rule because, contrary to its purpose, it failed to encourage the discussion of more controversial issues. There were also concerns that it was in violation of First Amendment free speech principles. The legislation now before Congress would enshrine the fairness doctrine into law.

The doctrine’s supporters seem not to appreciate just how much the broadcast world has changed since 1949. With the proliferation of informational resources and technology, the number of broadcast outlets available to the public has increased steadily. In such an environment, it is hard to understand why the federal government must police the airwaves to ensure that differing views are heard. The result of a reinstituted fairness doctrine would not be fair at all. In practice, much controversial speech heard today would be stifled as the threat of random investigations and warnings discouraged broadcasters from airing what FCC bureaucrats might refer to as “unbalanced” views.

What the Fairness Doctrine lacked was a logical argument as to why someone who disagreed with what they were hearing could not simply “turn the dial” and listen to an alternative viewpoint. Originally, the argument had been made when choices on both radio and television were limited. In the current Computer Age, where literally millions of sources are available for your news, the Fairness Doctrine becomes operationally obsolete. Which is exactly the reason why it was already overturned by the Supreme Court in the first place.

You will hear the pleas to reinstitute this seriously flawed piece of legislation over and over by Democrats, but the reality is that this is merely an extension of the Hillary-inspired Resistance movement that has helped to define the modern Leftist Antifa skullduggery that has worked laboriously to undermine the very Constitutional freedoms that they claim to hold dear.

Hillary continues to facilitate this thinking with many other schemes that she hides up her copious sleeves, behind which you will undoubtedly find a leering and approving (if not downright creepy) Puppet Master, George Soros.

Source: The Washington Free Beacon / The Heritage Foundation

Image: Gregory Hauenstein


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