Hillary Inspired Resistance Army Through Secret Initiative

Jon-Christopher Bua may have been Bill and Hillary’s biggest cheerleader back in the 1990s, but today, he is one of the leaders of the Resistance. His chief accomplishments with Hillary’s Talk Radio Initiative (TRI) are over and their effectiveness may still be up to debate. That aside, Bua remains a powerhouse in Progressive circles. In fact, he continues to resist to this very day, especially in light of the fact that his ultimate heroine, Hillary Clinton, was publicly humiliated by the big, bad Orange Dude in the White House!

Take a quick peak at his Tweet about the current resident of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue:

Bua, while still leading the charge for Leftist ideals (buckets of Socialist water in both hands) has been relatively outside the inner circle of Hillary since the TRI days. When the overall conversion record of the Talk Radio Initiative was finally digested by the Democratic National Committee, they quietly ended its implementation after Bua’s departure from the D.C. team.

Hillary turned to another Progressive heavy hitter by the time her turn came to bat. His name was Bob Creamer.

Bob Creamer was the lead-off hitter after Bua’s exit and following George Stephanopolous’ ascension to ABC News. You may remember that Stephanopolous conducted more than a few of the running diversions for Hillary Clinton during her campaign. After departing the Clinton White House in the ’90s, George used all of his on-air moxie to ensure that the Clintons were widely viewed as the beloved couple with whom everyone in America wanted to spend time.

Creamer was a different sort of fellow, his interests more focused on behind-the-scenes types of missions. When the Trump rallies were attracting way too much attention for Hillary’s taste, Creamer was tagged in order to send in the operatives who would pay homeless men and union thugs cash on the streets to start fights within the ranks of the Trump supporters. And of course, the CNN crews were always mysteriously lurking directly within camera lens view of the scuffles. These invariably made it to the Breaking News headlines of the evening where biased host after biased host decried the violence and visceral hatred of Trump supporters and intoned how they were just breeding grounds for racism, xenophobia and misogyny…a veritable ticking time bomb waiting to explode.

Unbeknownst to the vast majority of the American people at the time, however, was the fact that Bob Creamer was also answering directly to Hillary Clinton.

Project Veritas exposed this fraud in two fantastic videos.

Turn to the following page for more on the Hillary-inspired Resistance movement and how the Left has gone so far as to beg the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to reinstitute a Constitutionally-flawed program called the “Fairness Doctrine” which would effectively shut down conservative speech on the radio!NEXT PAGE »


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