Hillary Gets Blowback Pandering To Hispanics

Hillary Clinton thinks she’s just like your abuela, and she took to Twitter to tell everyone why. Luckily for us, the internet responded immediately with its usual scathing ridicule.

The mockery greeting this post–#NotMyAbuela–isn’t the reaction Clinton’s campaign was hoping for.
The post is entitled “7 things Hillary Clinton has in common with your abuela.” (It was originally called “7 ways Hillary Clinton is just like your abuela,” but her tone-deaf campaign team hastily changed it after the backlash began.) Those seven things, as described by the vast army of highly-paid political consultants this particular abuela employs, include:

She worries about children everywhere. Because no one else running for President worries about children.

She knows what’s best. (This point wins extra creepy totalitarian points by citing Clinton’s enthusiasm for climate change as an example of “knowing what’s best.” The climate change movement is increasingly focused on asserting that democracy ends where their theology begins, and unquestioning compliance with their demands is mandatory.)

She reacts this way when people le faltan el respeto. In other words, when people fail to show respect. This probably isn’t the right tack for a gazillionaire aristocrat noted for her arrogance to present herself to voters.

The Clinton campaign demonstrated how she reacts to people who don’t show respect with a GIF of Clinton looking exasperated at a congressional hearing – a moment from the Benghazi hearing, perhaps? Double clueless points for campaign staff if so. Too bad Clinton didn’t show the men who died in Benghazi some respect, isn’t it?

She reads to you before bedtime. Yes, this is seriously a point the Clinton campaign thinks will sell a presidential candidate to Hispanic voters. Enjoy being patronized, folks!

She isn’t afraid to talk about the importance of el respecto (especially when it comes to women). Well, except for women who accuse her husband of sexual harassment or assault, that is. The example of Clinton’s soaring respect for women is her lecturing Donald Trump about daring to say he “cherishes” them, which is pretty weak tea for a woman running as Feminist Numero Uno.

Hillary Clinton is not “just like your abuela,” and considering few of us are born into powerful political dynasties, it seems she’s unlike anyone’s at all. This disillusionment just shows how out of touch this woman is, and how low she’s willing to go in order to win votes.

Source:  Brietbart



  1. Roger

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