Fanatical supporters of Hillary Clinton interviewed at the Democratic Executive Committee Conference all agree the former first lady ought to be the next American president; they’re certain of it! But when they are asked to support that devotion with facts about Clinton’s achievements as Secretary of State they all hit a snag.
Apparently even for elite liberals at the Democratic National Committee Winter Meeting, Hillary’s did nothing praiseworthy in her four years as Secretary of State.
what a bunch of brain dead moron’s.
Bengazi Betty needs to be tried as a traitor and sent to hell!…NO ONE could give even one thing she did that was good lol…blind sheeple drinking the kool-aid yet again..they should feel embrassed about appearing on just shows how stupid and easily led they are LMAO
You don’t vote for someone just because they have been in the White House for 8 years.Don’t vote for anymore democrats or liberals at all.
I never get tired of watching these videos.
shes adept at ..treachery deceit and murder..
remember Benghazi and What does it matter?
that’s because there are none. Stupid is as stupid does
You will get this reaction from anyone you ask, because as far as I know she hasn’t done anything but manage to get people killed covering up her and Bill’s illegal activities, failed policies and agenda or attacking other women that have been involved with her husband, with or without their approval…. Yep a real poster child for the Democrat Party. She will never receive my vote for anything except on a jury to send her to jail for her crimes and failures that cost people their lives….
What a pact of morons, sheep line up here…
Took office. started wars,all over mid east,,norther .central and east africa…allowed ground work for putin to take back countries that Reagan freed from russia in the 80s…NLOT TO MEN TION BENGAZI AND 4 AMERICANS KILLED WHILE SHE AN ABAMA HAD DINNER PARTIES WITH FRIENDS…GOOD JOB HILLARY