Confronted head-on about this damning comment and by the fact that the Supreme Court definitively ruled that Americans have a right to bear arms in District of Columbia v. Heller, Clinton, true to form, regurgitated her usual talking points that she only wants “common-sense” gun regulation, insisting that the Supreme Court approved of such restrictions.
Doubling down on her sophistry, she cited a nonexistent majority of Americans who “agree” with her on the issue, mirroring earlier, equally incorrect remarks she made about 90% of Americans and 75% of gun owners supporting further restrictions on firearm ownership:
“CLINTON: Well, I think what the court said about there being an individual right is in line with constitutional thinking. And I said in the convention, I’m not looking to repeal the second amendment. I’m not looking to take people’s guns away, but I am looking for more support for the reasonable efforts that need to be undertaken to keep guns out of the wrong hands.
WALLACE: And the Second Amendment includes an individual right to bear arms.
CLINTON: Yes, but that right like every other of our rights, our First Amendment rights, every right that we have is open to and even subject to reasonable regulations.
WALLACE: I just want to pursue this a bit. Heller, Justice Scalia, he said that the right to bear arms is reasonably limited. He let the door open to regulation. If you’re elected president, you’re going to appoint the Ninth Supreme Court justice.
CLINTON: Um-hmm.
WALLACE: Are you saying you do not want to see the Heller decision, the individual right to bear arms overturned?
CLINTON: No, I don’t, but here’s what I do want. And I want to be very clear about this: I want the Congress to step up and do its job. I want to get out of the horrible cycle we’re in, where we go and mourn dozens, hundreds, thousands of people killed by gun violence.
Everybody says, oh, let’s pray, let’s send our hearts and our feelings, and then nothing happens. We’re better than this. The gun lobby intimidates elected officials. The vast majority of Americans, including gun owners, support the kind of common-sense reforms that I’m proposing.”
Source: Fox News
Liar!!!!!!!!! TRUMP for President 2016!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Fu k that, regulate the criminals and not the law abiding citizens
Lying murderess
She belongs on toilet paper packages
This is not a person I would trust to baby sit my dog.
Does she LIE much?? We all lie in our Email from time to time. Her time to time is ALL the time.