What is Happening In Iowa With Trump and Carson Is Very Interesting

Monmouth University Poll, conducted toward the end of August, have Donald Trump and Dr. Ben Carson in a tie at 23%.

Trump with his larger than life campaign, controversial, in your face attitude–a man who has vowed to never take money from the GOP establishment (or any one else, he is funding himself), wears well with the “fly over country” mid-west.

It seems, so does Ben Carson.

His mild mannered, no nonsense attitude.  Respectful nature, without much fan fare, yet his message is solid, no question is answered with a “non-answer”—and he is an “outsider”.

Two men, opposites in their approach and stage presence, in a tie for what they share–they have never held office, are not card carrying members of the GOP good ole’ boys club.

  • Results mark first time since July 26 that poll in first four nominating states has shown Trump without nominal lead
  • Donald Trump 23%  Ben Carson 23%
  • Carly Fiorina 10%, Ted Cruz 9%, Scott Walker 7%, Jeb Bush 5%
  • John Kasich, Marco Rubio 4%, Rand Paul 3%, Mike Huckabee,Rick Santorum 2%
  • NOTE: Aug. 27-30 phone poll of 405 Iowans likely to attend Republican presidential caucuses has error margin of +/-4.9ppts

Source: Bloomberg PoliticsBloomberg Politics



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