This Thursday is a day Hillary Clinton will be on the Benghazi Committee’s hot seat. This is will televised, and the American people will be able to view if Trey Gowdy can pin down Hillary, and not blink first. One aspect that is favorable, Gowdy is known as a hard hitter, a seasoned prosecutor.
Clinton is a pathological liar.
With that said, we know this: Ambassador Stevens called for extra security starting in June. Stevens was at an outpost type compound, it was surrounded by other housing and as the September 11 date neared, it became very evident when the British Ambassador escaped an attempt on his life nearby, that Mission Benghazi needed help or should be evacuated.
Mission Benghazi was a cover of moving arms to Syria. And starting there the lies piled up, keeping the lies from the American people was the most important objective. So someone (and this we need to know-who is that someone) made up the most ridiculous story. Seems some you tube video made by a very, sketchy man with a tainted past, and that’s what sparked the conflagration at Mission Benghazi. And they stood by it, with Hillary offering Susan Rice up at the altar of the Sunday shows for that weekend following Benghazi.
more on Benghazi and Hillary’s new lies
Hillary is guilty for what she knew that our men were in harms way and nothing done for their safety.She will walk free for two reasons,first she was a First Lady and this would be looked at as a embarrassment plus she is the only hope for the Democrat Base to win.Its a political theater with no justice in site.
hang them
Sandra, I think you’re right. Bad deal for ALL PATRIOTIC AMERICANS WHO BELIEVE IN GOD. She’ll probably walk, disgraceful.
Gowdy has a brain. The others are paid-off political parasites!
Trey thanks we got ur back u do what ever is right hirrary needs to go to jail and others need to follow her there make it happen