Global Migrant Crisis Directly Due To Obama’s Failed Leadership

Obama’s weak foreign policy is at the crux of the migrant crisis.   Rep. Babin, (R-TX),  spoke out again Obama and his ineffectual leadership in the world.  Babin made these statements after reports that this JV team, ISIS, as labeled by Obama, did not rise in power without the knowledge of Obama. “Retried Army Lt Gen. Micheal J. Flynn asserts that Obama mad a “willful decision” to allow them to gain power”,  reports BuzzPo.

“This entire refugee crisis that we are seeing today with all of these tens of thousands of Syrians and Iraqis that are fleeing those troubled areas with ISIS and going across Turkey and coming up through Greece and into Europe … This is a creation of a weak foreign policy by our president,” said Rep. Babin.

“Had he maintained a sufficient level of force, and had he made the leaders of Iraq cooperate a lot more instead of just abandoning the place, there would probably not even be an ISIS. And so a lot of this is a creation of a weak foreign policy, a fragmented foreign policy, and just a lack of leadership.”

This is a betrayal of a trust by Obama to the American people and the military who serves so diligently and with great courage throughout the world.  Obama weakened our military while giving a nod, if not tacit approval, to the growing strength of ISIS.

Now that America has a president in Donald Trump who truly loves his country, our military is growing once again as is the rest of the vital sectors of our great nation. But, Obama set the migrant flooding of the first world in motion and we are now seeing countries buckling under the weight.

President Trump is working hard to turn the ship around, but is it too late for Western nations?

Source: BussPo




  1. Lynn
  2. Mike Maupin

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