Many Americans awoke Tuesday morning to the news from James Comey’s unexpected press conference: the FBI would not be recommending that charges be filed against former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton over her email scandal. A significant number of people were stunned by the resolution.
But, honestly, should they be?
When it comes to the Clintons, rules, regulations, and laws simply do not apply.
For anybody who did not watch Comey’s speech, it went something like this: Clinton is guilty as hell, but who cares? We’re not recommending charges. No questions, please. [Exit: stage left]
Even for those who expected Clinton not to be charged, Comey’s press conference was astounding. One person who found Comey’s Monday statements “absurd” was former Republican presidential candidate and New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani.
To watch why Giuliani says that Clinton wouldn’t even pass an FBI background check for a sensitive government job based on Comey’s findings, continue onto the next page:
We really have some dumb people who is going to vote for this woman because they believe everything her and Obama say. People wake up you are in for a rude awaking if you vote for her.
Her husband either was impeached no position over economy.
Tim Philpot
No, just the presidency.
You mean like being the mayor of a major city that gets the hell bombed out of it because he was asleep at the switch the day of the attack?
—She certainly does not deserve it.
many people are on here very upset and they should be….. 4 months from today on November 8 lets give JEZEBEL some true American justice and vote against her and show her what an American landslide feels like …… we the people can still be in charge
Yet she is the liberals candidate for POTUS
Absolutely tru. I have a relative who worked for the government and she said that ever government employee is trained in handling confidential and classified information. Apparently, Hillary failed the post test.
Keep the White House Hillary Free 2016 Yes I’m Right It’s Up To You RNC/GOP No Donald No Vote Period! Time For Your Members To Step Up And Fully Support Donald He Has Earned The Nomination By Defeating 16 Other Contenders. He Brought Out Record Numbers Of Republicans, Democrats & Independent Voters To Support Him As The Peoples Choice For President Of The United States Of America! Donald J. Trump 2016 Then Hillary For Prison 2016 Along With Obama Gitmo Bound!!!