The German and French responses to the attacks in Paris yesterday have been mixed, as the leaders of both nations strive towards ensuring the security of their citizens from further terrorist attacks as well as trying to avoid the pitfall of targeting ‘innocent’ migrants – however many that may actually be…the migrants are all composed of young men of military age.
French President Francois Hollande declared the attacks as an “act of war,” while Germany’s vice-Chancellor has warned against giving into fear and targeting Muslim migrants with crackdowns.
This, however, comes on the revelation that one of the terrorists in the Paris attacks was a migrant who had come to Europe just six weeks ago, lending credence to the warnings that ISIS members would use the cover of the migrant crisis to exact their designs to terrorism.
Find the deatils of the French and German responses on page 2.
Really ? That’s why the majority of them are men ! Trained Isis militants!
Awesome video blowing these devils to their 72 virgins. But where are new videos of bombs on ISIS? This was complied in 2013, if I read it correctly.
We do not have time to play their mind games any longer. – We are in dire straits – Jefferson didn’t want war with the Muslim pirates but after purchasing a Koran and reading it – he and Ben Franklin saw no choice, “to the shores of Tripoli” – the beginning of American Marines. – we are being seeded with Muslims – ”Hijrah: This is the word for immigration jihad, where Muslims overwhelm a country and assert supremacy by sheer numbers. The concept of Hijrah- Immigration as a means of supplanting the native population and reaching the position of power became a well-developed doctrine in Islam.” Wake-up: The entire continent of Europe is being inundated with refugees at a rate unprecedented in world history. This is no longer just a “refugee crisis.” This is a hijrah”.
I am an infidel and I have no intention whatsoever of submitting. Kill? Yes. Succumb to terrorism? Never!
allah is satan and the koran is his bible, they are evil and follow it, we now let more into our country because their cousin is our liar in chief…
Who do you blame them
Fox Nation
Why worry about climate change when you should be thinking of keeping your head on your shoulders …Read below.
Obama Not ‘Reconsidering’ Plan To Bring In Syrian Refugees
FBI says they do not have the data base to vet this many muslims .yet Obama wants to bring in 20000 or more of these so called refugees …….. And remember the Arab Muslim countries have not take ONE so called refugee …WHY ? Are they afraid of the “refugees ” or are they complicit in the take down of the civilized world .
Shoot them, sort it out later
SO TRUE!!!!!