Former Navy SEAL, Blackwater Founder: Clinton ‘very likely’ Caused Death of Iranian Nuclear Scientist

While Democrats have already dismissed it as another attack on the Clintons by the infamous “vast right-wing conspiracy,” many prominent security experts believe that Iran’s execution of a nuclear scientist — who reportedly passed secrets to the United States — was a direct result of Hillary Clinton’s “extremely careless” handling of classified material on her private, unsecured email server.

Former Navy SEAL and the founder and former CEO of private security conglomerate Blackwater Erik Prince is one of those who places the blame for Shahram Amiri’s hanging on Sunday.

[Sirius XM host, Stephen] Bannon asked [Prince] if Hillary Clinton should be considered complicit in the execution of Iranian nuclear physicist Shahram Amiri, on charges of spying for the United States, who was discussed in some of the emails on Clinton’s unsecured private server.

“The physicist that came out, he defected, he was a treasure trove of information, but the CIA and the Clinton State Department botched it while he was in the States, left him pretty much unsupported,” Prince replied, calling it a major mistake to leave Amiri’s family in Iran.

“The second time he calls home, the Iranian intelligence service answers the phone. Undoubtedly, they leveraged him. When the guy talks about psychological trauma here in the United States, I’m sure it’s because the Iranians were telling him all the things they were going to do to his family if he didn’t come home,” said Prince.

“Once again, the administration screwed it up. He goes home; of course, he’s arrested. And then Hillary’s emails, which were in the open, certainly readable by foreign powers, were talking about Hillary’s so-called friend, who was a defection, and not an abduction, as the guy was claiming,” he added.

Prince said that if the American people want to break through what Bannon described as “the media Praetorian Guard” around Clinton and Obama, to get some real coverage of the Amiri story, they should understand that “Hillary’s emails, playing fast and loose with national security matters, very likely caused this guy to die.”

“He’d been sentenced to prison, but after the release of these emails, he was taken out and executed,” said Prince.

It is unlikely that Democrats will admit that there is any chance that Clinton’s emails had anything to do with Amiri’s execution.  After all, in the delusional utopia of Liberal Land, Clinton still never sent or received any classified material from her private address.

Source: Breitbart



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