Former CIA Director Calls for ‘Coup’ Against Trump if Fires Mueller

Former CIA Director John Brennan warned at the Aspen Security Forum that the Department of Shadowy Endeavors has decided to start a coup against President Trump if he should dare to oppose them and fire Mueller.

Director John Brennan said that if the White House tries to fire special counsel Robert Mueller, government officials should refuse to follow the president orders, as they would be – in his view – “inconsistent” with the duties of the executive branch.

“I think it’s the obligation of some executive branch officials to refuse to carry that out. I would just hope that this is not going to be a partisan issue. That Republicans, Democrats are going to see that the future of this government is at stake and something needs to be done for the good of the future,” Brennan told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer at the Aspen Security Forum, effectively calling for a coup against the president should Trump give the order to fire Mueller.

Scroll down to learn more about the network of Obama connected officials meeting at Aspen behind this threat of a coup and a potential civil war.

At 43 min:

Brennan is on stage in the video above with his former Obama era colleagues, Director of National Intelligence James Clapper. Which explains why they both told Blitzer they have complete faith in Mueller. Come on now – he is the man Hillary personally asked to carry 10-gram sample of uranium over to Russia… Right! The whole entire Russia investigation and the special commission is crooked. Even if President Trump or any of his staff had actually done anything just a tinge illegal – we still wouldn’t be getting an honest report with Mueller leading the investigation.

 “Absolutely. It was an inspired choice- they don’t come any better, ” Brennan said adding that “If Mueller is fired, I hope our elected reps will stand up and say enough is enough.”

Inspired, Brennan, like the way you handled Benghazi?? Let’s not forget (like anyone could) that Brennan himself is the man who throw the constitution out the window back in Benghazi. These are the men trying to stage a coup against the President. It is almost enough to make one thing the shadow government is legitimately afraid that democracy might soon once again prevail unless they try to provoke a state of martial law.

Source: Zero Hedge



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