Ex-CIA: Deep State Stripping Trump’s Loyal Staff, Planting Spies in White House

The former intelligence insider raises this troubling prospect: The potential for widespread fraud in the 2018 mid-term election raises the unsettling possibility that Democrats could regain control of the House of Representatives and pursue impeachment of President Trump.

He claims there are more than 500 “traitors” in the United States government working against President Trump.

Among those fingered by Steele is White House Chief of Staff Reince Preibus, who Steele claims is working on behalf of what some call the Uniparty, the establishment of both the Democrat and Republican parties that refuses to give up its stranglehold on government power.

Steele makes clear his determination to press his case forward:

“I want to devote my life to helping Donald Trump to restore the Constitution and restore democracy. I am deeply upset that Donald Trump is not getting the advice he needs to lay this out for America and provide a solution. . . . Donald Trump is all alone in the White House, and the forces of evil are essentially isolating him from We the People.”

Watch and learn how sinister Steele thinks the issue really is and what he proposes to solve it:

Source: USAWatchdog



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