ESPN Pulls Announcer for Having Same Name as Confederate General

There is a reason ESPN has lost over half a million subscribers in recent months. Kool-Aid and head injuries don’t go together. Just ask the liberal morons over at ESPN using liberal policies to discriminate against an Asian college sports broadcaster.

ESPN officials pulled Asian college football announcer, Robert Lee, from the game at William and Marry/University of Virginia game over fears this Asian man would “trigger” the memory of Confederate general Robert Lee.

To avoid offending left wing idiots Robert Lee, the Asian college football announcer, not the Confederate General who died in 1870 and shares a name with him, was switched to the Youngstown State at Pittsburgh game and Dave Weekley will now call the William and Mary at University of Virginia game.

Here is a picture of Robert Lee, Asian college sports broadcaster, for those of you who are liberals and “can’t see color”, Lee is the ASIAN man on the right, who is not a dead white Confederate general,

Here is Robert Lee the Confederate general who died on Oct. 12th 1870. Yeah, that was 147 years ago… Liberals are so progressive though, right?!

Robert E Lee


What was ESPN’s problem? Why was it so hard for their little liberal brains to wrap their heads around the fact that an Asian man had the last name of Lee??

But, seriously, is there anything more pathetic than ESPN believing people would be offended by an Asian guy named Robert Lee sharing a name with Robert E. Lee and calling a football game? Aside from some hysterical photoshops and Internet memes which would make everyone with a functional brain laugh — Robert E. Lee pulling out all the stops to stay in Charlottesville now! — what was the big fear here? Does ESPN really believe people are this dumb or that having an Asian announcer named Robert Lee is too offensive for the average TV viewer to handle?

And because ESPN is a liberal cesspool of rich billionaires making hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of thousands of dollars every year by OWNING teams of BLACK athletes, they made their cause sound even worse when they tried to explain why they asked Lee to pull out of the game.

Here is the memo explaining ESPN’s contradicting hypocritical defense of their stupid decision.

Can anyone say contradict much? Skipper claims nobody at ESPN thought Lee’s name would offend or be a distraction to anyone, but they had to ask him to pull out of the game so that he didn’t become a distraction and the subject of countless memes?

If no one could possibly be so ridiculous as to equate a non-Confederate, Asian-American broadcaster, with the chieftain of the rebel army. Then why would anyone have cause to take note of broadcaster Robert Lee?

Why, why indeed?

Source: Outkick the Coverage, Breitbart



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