Emperor Obama: 4 Most Probable Scenarios Obama Would Use to Retain Office

Scenario #4: False Flag Event


What is a false flag?

The contemporary term false flag describes covert operations that are designed to deceive in such a way that the operations appear as though they are being carried out by entities, groups, or nations other than those who actually planned and executed them.

Historically, the term “false flag” has its origins in naval warfare where the use of a flag other than the belligerent’s true battle flag before (but not while) engaging the enemy has long been accepted as a permissible ruse de guerre; by contrast, flying a false flag while engaging the enemy constitutes perfidy.

While this might seem like the stuff of crazy conspiracy theorists, it just takes a bit of research to see that our government has already admitted to the use of false flags. It’s hardly ‘theory’ at all, seeing how it has been admitted.

An event could be created as complicated as provoking Russia or China into a war with the US, or simply implicating them in an act of war against our nation. Both of which would definitely be cause enough to suspend the elections.

It could also be as simple as a small bomb placed underneath the stage where Trump and Clinton debates. No candidates, no election.

That would seem quite easy for the military-industrial complex to pull off.

While all of this is speculation, there is plenty of evidence that Obama would really like to see the Donald go away, and many examples showing that Obama has no problem in bending and breaking the rules since he always knows best.

Donald Trump is threatening both the establishment politicians and Barack Obama, and he needs to very seriously watch his back, and not just for his sake. The very last thing this nation needs is Emperor Obama – that would mark the very end of our beloved country.

Source: Wikipediatruthandaction.org



  1. Lucy

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