Don Lemon: ‘The President of the United States Is Racist — A Lot of Us Already Knew That’

The collective world is being sucked into the media firestorm surrounding the President’s every move and alleged word. None more so then President Donald John Trump’s latest reported remarks concerning immigration from economically disadvantaged countries. And the President did pose a very interesting question. Why not encourage immigration from economically prosperous countries compatible with U.S. values? But to the ever so self-righteous left that is akin to stamping your forehead with the symbol of the KKK.

President Trump has denied these remarks. Even going to the bother of adding extra context and details surrounding the reported conversation.

Do these sound like the remarks of a racist, rage-inducing maniac?

Scroll down to view Don Lemon’s repulsive comments.

But, CNN’s Don Lemon is here to explain to you why you have it all wrong. Even if the President did say these countries were “shitholes”, which they are I must add, these remarks don’t merit an admission of extreme racism.

I challenge every outraged leftist to go move their families to Haiti for a year before proceeding to tout their outstanding merits to the rest of the sane world.

Just listen to the way Lemon attempts to spin this absurd leftist narrative!

President Trump has a long history of furthering civil rights. He was a darling of the movement before he had the audacity to run as a Republican touting America First values.

When is Don Lemon going to run an expose of how the Clinton Foundation swindled Haiti out of receiving all of the money donated following the catastrophic earthquake?

When is the mainstream media going to report how Haitian government officials suddenly started committing suicide after reporting the Clinton Foundation was stealing the money designated for the Haitian people?

Or do they only care about the Haitian people when it is convenient?

That is the real story.

The real “shithole” is the Clinton Foundation and the apparatuses of our government that continues to mask these corruptions.



  1. bruce w redmer
  2. Dave
  3. Francis Rupert Legge
  4. Fed Up With F**e News

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