The Democrats’ Colorful War on Whites


ORANGE: Orange may be the new black in LGBTQIA prisons, but Orange anywhere else designates an evil far greater than any threat that has ever graced the surface of this planet. The ogre that resides at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue is none other than the Orange big baby known as the Donald. His palpable insidiousness has been so pervasive that it has induced a mass hysteria within the Left-leaning public, often referred to by his supporters as TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome). The orange menace is so odious to the Left that they have spent the better part of three years attempting to convince his supporters that for the good of the entire universe, he must be utterly destroyed…or at least thrown into prison.

Orange = Trump the Menace

RED: There is perhaps not a more morbid and disgusting color that the color Red. This one represents everything that is sacrilegious to the Left. Republicans have appropriated this color to signify their party affiliation and have tainted so much of the fly-over country with the color of blood! The conservatives and libertarians have aligned themselves with the red, signing away their souls in the process, and joining the vast and dark Fascist movement, against which Antifa has been valiantly crusading on behalf of all good Leftist Americans.

Red = Republican, Conservative, Libertarian, Fascist

BLUE: Blue, as you know, means that while there may be a streak of misery, unhappiness or general malaise, it is only due to the massive injustices committed by the Right-wingers who are obsessed with making Leftist life unsustainable. Blue represents the Democrat Party and stands for Communism, Liberalism, Socialism and Progressivism, all designed to improve the life of the worker under an inclusive umbrella of love and happiness, where everyone is the same and there is no one who is above the law. As a blue, both you and Hillary Clinton can break bread together in harmony and joyful dissertation of how the world would be a better place if all reds were extinct upon Mother Earth!

Blue = Democrat, Communist, Liberal, Socialist, Progressive

PURPLE: This color is extremely bad news for the reds, because if the color has shifted from red to Purple, that only means that the messages of love and resilience from the blues has been working and that, soon, this swing district will be turning a solid blue for the greater good of mankind.

Purple = Swing Districts (especially for Democrats)

Turn to the final page to view rest of the Palette: Pink, Brown and Rainbow!

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