The Democrats’ Colorful War on Whites


PINK: Although not one of the primary colors, Pink certainly gets a lot of primary attention whenever the mainstream media gets a whiff of a protest brewing somewhere in the Leftist country. Between the Pussy Patrol bivouacking outside Mike Pence’s house in protest of the Orange Menace, or Code Pink disrupting the funerals of baby-killer service members and evil warmongering Republicans, pinks are some of the busiest unemployed Leftists in the country today!

Pink = Pussy Patrol, Code Pink (and any other far-Left organization that is anti-Right-wing)

BROWN: The Brown color may be easily attributable to Utopias like San Francisco (its tourist maps are dominated by this color) but for the purposes of exposing the evil of the Right, it’s much better to highlight that brown equals the Fascism of the Republican Party. If any MAGA hat-wearing bug is seen waltzing down the street without a care in the world, it’s only because they are micro-aggressively oppressing every minority and every woman they pass by, their outward Fascist intentions easily pinpointed by a smile of indignance or superiority. The Brownshirts are certainly out in force these days as supporters of the Orange Menace continue to strive to shut down free speech through violence, shattering storefront windows, arson, turning over automobiles, vandalizing neighborhoods, bearing weapons to assault journalists who are filming them, and knocking out transformers with baseball bats so that they can travel in the darkness in their masks of deceit and hatred.

Brown = Any Right-winger who disagrees with any Left-wing cause, especially the MAGA hat-wearing “Brownshirts”

RAINBOW: Finally, a happy and free collage of some of the most open-minded and accepting of people over a huge swath of ethnicities and creeds, the Rainbow represents only the very best in society. These rainbows bring with them a promise of love in every form…and we do mean EVERY form. However, they are constantly oppressed for their beliefs and discriminated against, being victims of bigotry and religious persecution from the Right! They are unafraid to express themselves in any way they see fit, and they are unabashed about their opinions, especially when they focus on straight whites who apparently feel that they are morally superior and able to transfer their feelings of superiority on those who think it’s no big deal to flaunt their preferences in public, despite pleading with them over and over to “STAY THE HELL OUT OF OUR BEDROOMS!” If only all colors could be as virtuous as the rainbows.

Rainbow = Lesbian, Bisexual, Gay, Transgender, Questioning, Intersex, Asexual (LGBTQIA), Oppressed, Discriminated Against, Victim of Bigotry and Religious Persecution

As can be seen, the Left has been able to succinctly differentiate the “friendly, helpful neighbor” from the “enemy of the people” with the employment of this color chart, this “Leftist Palette of Good and Evil.”

And as can also be seen, not a single word spoken by the Left is ever about friendliness, acceptance, inclusiveness, fairness, or freedom.

Perhaps we can all go back to just being Americans once again.


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