An Oakland City Councilwoman, Desley Clarke, is trying to put forth new regulations to lower the passing scores on the police exams, in the name of diversity. Most standard police exams are high school level, with emphasis on writing and grammar skills. Police officers must be capable of writing reports, that will be seen in courts, if the report reflects a conviction.
Lowering the exam passing score of 45, to 42 seems to be not in the best interest of anyone, even the applicant. What would work would be seminars, teaching exactly the type of writing skills and rudimentary skills one needs to pass the test. The only thing gained by lowering the exam score will be having senior officers have to teach the recruits later, or having them fail their probation. This is not a question of diversity, its a question of educating people in the basics.
more on police diversity in Oakland next page
Wrong.all should.go through.the same.because you should have it easier.hell no.Same Training.for all.