Constitutional Scholar on Ted Cruz: A Man Born to a Non-Citizen Father is Not Able to be President

Constitutional Scholar on Ted Cruz: A Man Born to a Non-Citizen Father is Not Able to be President

Ted Cruz’s citizenship continues to be a topic of discussion in the 2016 race, and it seems its one issue in which the far-left and the far-right might agree.

At the heart of the issue is the definition of “natural born citizen.” While many consider that to mean that one must be born inside of the country in order to serve in the Oval Office, others claim that one is natural born if you have citizenship at birth. The latter theory is backed up somewhat by the nominations of both John McCain and George Romney, both of which were born outside of this country’s borders.

However, since neither man made it to the White House, no Supreme Court case has ever been brought forth that specifically tackled the issue. As such, both sides continue to wage a war of opinion.


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