Clooney’s Italian Mansion has New Neighbors: A Migrant Camp

Clooney’s Italian Mansion has New Neighbors: A Migrant Camp

Peering out the window of his multi-million dollar mansion on the shores of Lake Coma, in Italy, George Clooney may have a clear view of the hundreds of migrants living in a shanty style tent community.  This is what open borders looks like, where migrants flood in, but are forced to remain due to Switzerland choosing to control her borders, as it is most prudent for the welfare of the nation.

Clooney, who has been viscerally against GOP nominee Trump for his  position on immigrants and open borders, now gets to deal first hand with the discarded shoes, clothes, trash, food containers and rats near his posh palace.

Clooney may want to pitch in a some of his $180 million wealth to aid these migrants so that sleeping in tents and at the train station does not remain their plight.  He might want to live up to the rhetoric that his is the party of compassion.  Yet instead he bashes the right and specifically Trump for pointing out the obvious, that open borders is dangerous to the citizens of the countries to which the migrants are flooding.  Perhaps Clooney’s movie flop has made his hold more tightly to his wealth, instead of putting his money where his mouth is.

Following the absolute tanking of George Clooney’s most recent movie, Hail Caesar! at the box office, Clooney is once again foraying into the world of far-left political attacks.  His latest target?  Billionaire businessman and GOP frontrunner, Donald Trump.

Throughout his acting career Clooney has often used his platform to spread liberal propaganda, attack conservatives, and perpetrate the global warming myth along with his Hollywood comrades.

Clooney has followed the liberal Hollywood playbook quite predictably.  Smear anybody with conservative values as racist, Islamophobic, xenophobic, homophobic — you get the idea.  If you don’t subscribe to the left-wing agenda you are clearly a Nazi!

Yet Clooney and many famous elites, like Madonna, all have estates on the lake and yet there does not appear to be any reports on their charitable work among this population they seem to support.

The situation at Lake Coma is quite bad.  Read more about it on the next page.

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