Operators of the Nash Farm Battlefield Museum in Hampton, Georgia, have decided to close the five-year old Civil War museum after a Henry County commissioner demanded removal of Confederate artifacts.
The museum has been run by a nonprofit organization to commemorate the site of an August 1864 battle in the American Civil War. It’s been housed in a historic building in what has been a Henry County park.
Commissioner Dee Clemmons, an African-American woman, began her demands on the museum with a request to remove a Confederate flag displayed on a flagpole.
Learn more about this attempt to rewrite or erase American history and why museum operators decided to close down. Details are on the next page.
She needs to sit down and shut up
If Americans can’t learn from our History, then we take a chance of repeating the same mistakes of our part . Most of the men who fought for the southern cause , were not all men who owned plantations . Some of them worked their own farms . They fought because of government overstepping on their rights in the south . The Gettysburg battle was fought on a Free black man property. So if a battle was fought a Nash farm it should be displayed for everyone to see . As deeply as we are divided today ,we
Should reopen the Civil reaction and the Museum.
The problem is that she identifies as an “African-American” woman. This signifies that she wants to keep racism alive by being an African, first. I have seen several posts by black men and women who state that instead of being African-American, Asian-American, Anglo-American etc. We should eliminate the prefix and just be American.
I love the early American history as it’s easy to understand and so complex for a nation so young. I plan to visit as a bucket lister to look at these places.
Sadly it looks like it ain’t worth traveling to do so.
What power did she have to make them remove them
If we obliterate all reference to the civil war then we should also remove all references to the existence of slavery since by their own line of reasoning it must have never happened.
Sounds like Clemmons is more racist than concerned about history!time the public stood up to this type of behavior to remove history of this nature!
left wing liberals try to impose their twisted ideals on us “we Americans “. instead of strong arming a museum let the county residents decide the fate of the museum that apparently shows without malice both sides of the war.
and the union marches on
The local Civil War folks worked hard for many years to get the museum up and running. One whiney bellyacher erased it all. Such are the troubled times we live in.