The world has become a more dangerous place over the past couple of weeks. While there are many conflicts that seldom make the headlines, just the ones that do are enough to give one pause.
We recently witnessed the gas attack in Syria that killed almost 100 people followed by a surprise barrage of cruise missiles launched by U.S. warships at the airfield from which the gas attacks were allegedly launched. This created the expected crisis in relations between the U.S. and Russia. If there was hope of relations between those two countries improving under President Trump, it would certainly seem that goal has been set back considerably.
We’re also witness to the regular provocations and belligerency of Kim Jong-un of North Korea. Could President Trump be getting ready to deal with that problem? It seems possible since a U.S. aircraft carrier battle group is on its way to the Korean peninsula. And we now learn of Chinese troop movements near its border with North Korea.
More on page two.
Ken Anderson Surgery for cataract went very well. Am on here using it now. Popped out my glasses lens and it’s clearing up nicely. Love my Dr.! SOOOOO glad I found him! Eyes angel! Surgery was Thurs, follow-up Fri, he said pressure was perfect at 18 whatever that means. LOL But I can see and it’s still dilated a bit but I’m reading with it without lens. Using my regular glasses and my other lens, all good! I’m happy. Go back to him again next Friday then the next then get my Rx redone for refraction and reading. Thank you Jesus!
The “little fat dictator” will do something in violation of UN resolutions, or not at his whim. At least if a carrier task force is nearby we have the option to respond if it becomes necessary.
Diplomacy in action: Knock it off or we’ll kill millions of people who lack the means to harm us (or to get electricity or running water) and then send a radioactive cloud over one of our allies and thousands of our own troops.
Both countries say F**E NEWS