Bill Clinton Accuses Sanders Supporters of Being Sexist

Hillary Clinton, trailing in the polls in New Hampshire, says she if she can “persuade to get “Granite Staters” to give her another look, I’ll do better, but I’m gonna keep fighting until the last bell rings.”

Getting another look is what she will do if she sends Bill out to smear Sanders with sexism allegations.  Sexist Bill versus sexist Bernie will certainly get someone to take another look, but perhaps not the kind of look Hillary is hoping.

Certainly those women who were sexually assaulted by Bill over thirty years ago would like him to get a second look and have justice served.

Juanita Braoddrick has nothing to gain by her continued accusation except for long over-due justice.

I was 35 years old when Bill Clinton, Ark. Attorney General raped me and Hillary tried to silence me. I am now 73….it never goes away.

— Juanita Broaddrick (@atensnut) January 6, 2016

Source: Youtube




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