AOC Admits the Truth: Impeaching Trump is About Saving the Democratic Party

AOC Admits the Truth:  Impeaching Trump is About Saving the Democratic Party

A lot of people on the Right think that Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is terrible, but after today, I believe she’s a breath of fresh Socialist air in politics.

In my opinion, AOC should be commended for her ‘courage’ in standing up to the Democrat Party and really just telling it like it is. Today, she announced that this impeachment inquiry farce is vital to the ending of Donald Trump’s presidency and with good reason. If they do not defeat this president through a questionable and shaky Congressional process, there is absolutely no way to defeat him in the arena of ideas, intellect, policy issues, or fairness.

AOC is right, of course. There is no way for the effete Left to compete with a force of nature so violently opposed to the Swamp and its ignorance and stupidity. The only bullet left in the chamber for these politicians is impeachment.

Turn to the next page to read the freshman (shouldn’t that be “freshperson?”) Congresswoman’s direct comments and how spot on truthful they really are!

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