Air Force Caves to Social Justice Warriors

The Air Force is looking to fill quotas in order to appease any social justice warriors that might be offended that our military leaders are too white or too straight.

The Air Force announced a new set of 13 inclusion initiatives Friday with the goal of ensuring the force isn’t as white, male and heterosexual as it is now.

Air Force officials are intent on building upon a foundation of nine initiatives from 2015, in order to boost diversity.

Those nine initiatives weren’t enough to make the Air Force as diverse as desired, which is why it is taking more intensive steps in 2016.

The first new initiative mandates that at least one diverse candidate will have to be in the running for important developmental positions like aide-de camp, senior enlisted advisor and executive officer, among other roles.

“This initiative will require that the pool of Airmen considered for key military developmental positions… include at least one qualified, diverse candidate,” the Air Force’s new fact sheet reads, before going on to say that mandating diverse candidates in the selection pool does not mandate actually hiring that diverse candidate for the position.

You can thank Obama for this change. He’s already gone on record claiming that lesbians and Muslim military leaders make our armed forces stronger, not qualifications.

Source: Daily Caller





  1. S. B. Sabet
  2. David Richardson

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