Attorney General Loretta Lynch is making good on one thing-she is what Americans have come to expect in Obama appointees. Greta Van Susteren lambasted Lynch on her show “On the Record With Greta Van Susteren” stating Lynch really “hoodwinked” the American people by electing not to hold any GM corporate executive responsible for problems arising from the ignition switch which would turn off, cutting the engine and disabling the airbags and power steering. Lynch had earlier promised the need to hold individuals responsible-not just corporations. AG Lynch lied-nothing happened to any corporate executives.
Lynch’s lies & Greta’s scathing video next page
GM= Government Motors
Lynch is no attorney General she is Obama’s welfare puppet she hasn’t got a clue she’s there for money and power!
Just like the government replace some one with a person who’s worse.
She is crooked as any one in this administration
Nothing she does in the future will be a surprise .
What else would you expect from OBUMMERS
Loretta HOLDER was confirmed by TRAITORS!
This is obamas mother and she is doing exactly what he told her to do
She is Baptist. She is Black. She is a Black Baptist. Enough said.
Why can we not fire these people? Why is our own government, helping people break the law? How can someone break the law with no repercussions, and we can’t do anything about it?