60 BLM-affiliated Groups Release List of Demands, Including Reparations

60 BLM-affiliated Groups Release List of Demands, Including Reparations

The race pimps are coming out in droves. They have seen that Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton have done pretty well working the discrimination angle, and they want in.

There are also enough guilty pansy liberals and pathetic main stream media outlets willing to roll over that the periodic demands from these spoiled, unemployed whiners seems to find voice in America. These barely literate grifters have coalesced under the common cause of Black Lives Matter under the presumed motto “give us free stuff.”

That, of course, always starts with reparations, which is supposed payment for slavery and discrimination they have faced for many years. Apart from the fact that the vast majority of Black Lives Matter participants have no slavery in their own genealogy and that slavery has been abolished for many generations, the reality is that reparations have been payed off many times over in the out-of-proportion participation in welfare payments and programs enjoyed by these whiners and their friends and families.

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