In 2004, during a house raid in Annandale, Virginia the FBI discovered the secret strategic plans of the Muslim Brotherhood for North America titled, “An Explanatory Memorandum: On the General Strategic Goal for the Group.”
The plan details the Muslim Brotherhood’s wish for the Ikhwan to destroy and eliminate Western civilization in order to extend shariah into the United States and Canada.
How exactly is the Muslim Brotherhood planning to infiltrate America and Canada? According to the plan’s mission, the Muslim Brotherhood expects to conquer these two countries by playing them as fools.
The scariest part is that there are law enforcement professionals, federal agents, and military service members suggesting that through obtained anecdotal evidence, the facts about the Muslim Brotherhood’s advances in their plan is being suppressed, explains Shariah: the Threat to America.
Read the Muslim Brotherhood’s strategies for conquering North America on page two.
So, what are you doing right now to curtail the agenda ?
Dumb are Americans dont even know their president is one of them !!
There it is yet ignored by Obama because he is for this
It’s so funny when they’re suicide belt blows up on them
Islam is not a religion. Get them out of our country, they don’t belong here. They are vile dirty people.
very good story..yes, terrorizing the terrorists is a great idea..i can give em a double whammy..bullets in pig blood/grease and being a woman…hahahahahahahahahahaha
Read the book of Daniel. The kingdoms of the north will destroy the islamic nations and all Islamic followers and the Antichrist will be destroyed. There will be no islamic period at the end.!! There will be no islamic men alive,only survive only a few women and children.!
I was called by a pollster and they hung up on me when I said Trump. Another poll just came put that has them 1% apart. Talk to your friends, talk to your family. Show them Trumps Republican voting record and the videos of him testifying in 1991 for congress on economic recovery. He is saying the exact same things then that he says now! That’s a consistent conservative. His total donations to politicians are 447000 to Rep and 140,000 to Democrats of which he said, “I had to donate to Hillary’s foundation because I needed the state department to sign off on my buildings overseas.” Yep Hillary IS being investigated for that! One of his foreign relation advisors is the best in the country specializing in terrorism and the Middle east!! And he endorsed him saying, “people dont realize he has been workjng with these foreign leaders and knows them better than anyone running including Hillary. Trump knows them personally and he knows their economies well, he just needs to get the political side of it down. He asks lots of questions and listens carefully. He will learn fast.” They are already working up stategies for best and worst case scenarios to fight and eliminate ISIS!! Cant wait for that! Get everyone to the polls and vote, vote, vote!
I can’t take credit for the info, I reposted with permission. Please feel free to repost.