The media is once again shocked by comments made by Donald Trump, this time in reference to his description of Hillary Clinton’s 2008 loss to Barack Obama.
He said she got “schlonged.”
Before we head down that route, though, lets get something out of the way. How and why is the media still apparently shocked by Donald Trump? He has proven multiple times over his campaign that he is willing to say whatever is on his mind, whenever its on his mind. Perhaps the most shocking thing about his comments may actually be how sensible they are after you let them settle in. This is a man who works in common sense solutions, not PC talking points.
And more to the point, is saying “schlonged” really that big of a deal?
According to many in the media it is, but his comments have received backing as well as ridicule. To see a compilation of media responses to Trump’s comments, continue reading on the next page:
We’re coming after you kc and we’re going to hang you and billy boy!
So did Monica…by her husband!
This country needs to wake up and discover how far America has fallen.there needs to be a complete purge of everyone in D.C from the president on down the ladder. They are all selling out America.
The Media is SHOCKED……..OMG!! Get over it !
She’s gotta get it from someone because Bill’s not giving it to her.
She is a$#%&!@* A$#%&!@* And the southern end of a north bound horse.
She needs to try the truth
Killary should at least once in her career tell the truth, that would shock the world. She cannot be trusted to be in government any longer, not after Benghazi. How much money did she get from Islamic countries to her “foundation”? She is just another Dembama in a female version. Neither one care about this country or its people, they just want to get rich and lie, lie, lie.
Killary would be the death of America
Perhaps it’s sickness will over whelm her and is hung.