Report: IP Address Reveals Maxine Waters’ Office Doxxed GOP Senators

Republican Senators Mike Lee, Orrin Hatch and Lindsey Graham, all sitting on the Judiciary Committee, had their home and DC addresses, home and cell phone numbers and personal email addresses appear on their Wikipedia pages during Thursday’s hearing on Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination. The Wikipedia edits were made from a computer tracked to two IP addresses, and, both of which are from the House of Representatives!

The wife of Orrin Hatch “has been receiving calls nonstop ON HER BIRTHDAY and their home address was made public,” according to Caleb Hull, director of content at the Republican technology firm Targeted Victory.

“It’s shocking that someone would post Senator Hatch and other Judiciary Committee Republican’s personal information, including home addresses, putting their families in danger,” said Matt Whitlock, communications director for Hatch. “That it’s happening as they ask questions in a Supreme Court confirmation hearing is just another sign of how terrible this process has gotten.”

Doxxing is the practice of using the Internet is used to discover someone’s private information and then publish it online in order to make them a target.

The story takes quite a turn from here. David Reaboi, a National Security expert as well as Internet sleuths claim that the IP addresses point to Maxine Waters’ office! Turn the page for full details as well as Water’s response:




  1. Candace
  2. Michael Kendrick
  3. Margaret Tranbarger
  4. Dawn
  5. HD
  6. Linda Frazier
  7. Eric

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