Obama Denies that the Orlando Terrorist Attack was a Work of Jihad

Obama Denies that the Orlando Terrorist Attack was a Work of Jihad

Barack Obama’s refusal to acknowledge radical Islamic extremism has been well-documented throughout his presidency. Countless acts of terror have been shrugged off as “workplace violence” or the work of a “lone attacker,” despite making their jihadi intentions perfectly clear. Obama has clearly seen incidents of terror rise during his tenure as president, but he seems to think ignoring it will prove more beneficial to his legacy as a Nobel Prize-winning “peaceful” president.

While many on the left argue that the words “radical Islam” aren’t beneficial in the war on ISIS, even Hillary Clinton has begun using the word “jihadist” as an apparent nod to the religious beliefs of the various attackers.

Barack Obama is refusing to do even that. This week, he spoke to NBC’s Face the Nation and is claiming that radical Islam played no part in the Orlando terrorist attack.

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