Malia Obama Displays Bizarre ‘Voodoo’ Like Dance Moves at Lollapalooza

Malia Obama was caught on camera over the weekend at Lollapalooza displaying some bizarre dance moves that many are calling demonic.

Malia’s friend throws herself to the ground while Obama’s daughter jokingly pretends to play the drums, matching her moves with the music.

She then helps her friend up before they turn to watch the rest of the show, but the party was far from over.

Footage later captured Malia taking her turn to writhe and roll on the grass, thrashing around before headbanging and pounding the ground during a guitar riff.

Here is the video,

What do you make of this? It could very well be that little miss Malia is just vibing with her Chicago roots and doing drugs with her gang of friends. That would explain some things. And it would make sense if Malia was just lashing out over her mother’s rumored situation and the inevitable relentless teasing that must have emerged following the leaking of those embarrassing images of her father “roughhousing” with Richard Branson.

But, what kind of parents are Barack and Michelle anyway to let their daughter flash people and invite people to grind up against her bended rear on video? That was last year’s shenanigans.

Barack and Michele might very well haven’t literally sold their children’s souls to a witch doctor in return for a seat at the New World Order. But, is that any different from negligent parenting to obsessively pursue the spotlight?

Source: Daily Mail




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