WW3: Putin’s Clandestine Fleet of Super Submarines

Andrew Metrick, who co-wrote the report stating the initial discovery simply presented the options of what something like this could be used for, and while he has a good point, the chances of Russia starting a war with America are slim. That being said, it still should be cause for concern.

“It’s pretty scary to think about some of the types of missions.

“It’s probably the most shadowy part of the Russian undersea apparatus. It’s not operated by their navy, it’s operated by a separate branch of their Ministry of Defense.”

While the fleet is not as big as the Soviet Union’s colossal arsenal, the report says the new subs can dive deeper, and move quieter, than any ever before.

The nuclear-powered ships are armed with electronic warfare gear, long-range cruise missiles, torpedoes and mines.

And while the Kremlin is growing their amphibious firepower, the number of US submarines is dwindling.

Putin’s “supersubs” have a lot of capability, but he’s yet to make any real threat against America or the UK. However, just because a puppy doesn’t bite, it doesn’t mean it’s not going to grow up to be an attack dog.

Perhaps this report is simply propaganda put out by NATO to make us fear Russia, perhaps the threat of Putin’s super subs is real as stated. Let’s hope that America’s next president is willing to soothe things over with Putin.

Source: thesun.co.uk





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