White House Gave Celebrities ‘Talking Points’ to Tweet in Support of Obama’s Gun Control

Celebrities Need Help Tweeting, White House Obliges

Here are some tweets and email messages suggested by the White House for celebs to use:

@POTUS is taking new commonsense steps to help #StopGunViolence.

@POTUS is taking steps to keep guns out of the wrong hands through background checks.

FACT: Each year, more than 30,000 American lives are cut short by guns. It’s time to #StopGunViolence.

FACT: Guns now kill as many people as cars in almost half of the U.S. It’s time to #StopGunViolence.

@POTUS is strengthening our background check system.

Fox News reports that actors Ashton Kutcher and Mark Ruffalo tweeted one of the suggested messages word-for-word.

A White House spokesperson said:

We involve creative types/athletes in just about every issue and this is one that so many people are passionate about. Yes, we want to meet people where they are so we ask celebs what issues they are interested in… All of this gets the message out further to a broad number of people which is always helpful.

Sadly, most college students could not name the speaker of the house or senate, but they follow inane celebrities every word, so this campaign is actually effective. The “facts” in these tweets are twisted and incorrect, but the kids will never know since they do not think in sentences longer than 127 characters.

Perhaps Obama is the right one for this era. He has figured out how to court the obnoxious and ill-informed celebrity class and how to reach the pitiful, intellectually vapid youth. He has tapped into the vehicle that cannot be countered with reason, knowledge, or insight, and we can only be grateful that he is unable to run for another term.

Source: breitbart.com



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