West Virginia University: It’s a Federal Crime to Use the Wrong Pronouns

The delicate snowflakes at West Virginia University are being taught a new lesson this year. Using a pronoun that doesn’t align with someone’s “gender identity” hurts their feelings — and its a federal crime.

West Virginia University (WVU) has told its 29,000 students that they are breaking federal law if don’t agree to use the pronouns — including ‘he’ or ‘she,’ ‘zir’ or ‘hir’ etc. — preferred by each person who claims to be transgender.

That policy means if a biological man — for example, famous transgender athlete Bruce Jenner — says he “identifies” his gender as female, then all other students must refer to the man as a “she,” or else be treated as a law-breaker.

WVU says using the wrong pronouns is a crime because the United States departments of justice and of education insist that transgender people are protected by decades-old sexual discrimination law.

The new claim is imposed in a university statement that defines the rights of the relatively few students who are confused about their gender. Because it is a list of “rights,” it doubles as as a list of diversity commandments for all normal students;

You have the right to be treated according to the gender you identify with. Your school cannot require you to provide legal or medical evidence in order to have your gender respected.
You have the right to be called by the name and pronouns consistent with your gender identity.
You have the right not to be bullie d [sic]or harassed because you are transgender or gender non-conforming. If you are bullied or harassed contact your Title IX Coordinator, James Goins, Jr. at 304.293.5600 or [email protected]. You may also file a complaint online at titleix.wvu.edu
You have the right to equal educational opportunities regardless of your gender, including your gender identity or expression, or your race, nationality, or disability. This includes not being punished or excluded from school activities or events because you are transgender or gender non-conforming.
You have the right to dress and present yourself in a way that is consistent with your gender identity, so long as you follow rules for how to dress that apply to all students. This includes how you dress at school every day as well as for dances, graduation, and other school events.
You have the right to use restrooms, locker rooms, and other facilities that are consistent with your gender identity, and can’t be forced to use separate facilities. There are several WVU Gender Inclusive Restrooms on campus.
You have the right to privacy concerning your transgender status and gender transition. Any such information kept in school records must be kept private and not shared without your permission unless the school has a legitimate reason that it not based on gender bias.
You have the right not to be harassed or discriminated against based gender stereotypes, including stereotypes about sexual orientation.
You have the right to join or start a Gay-Straight Alliance or Pride Alliance, and to have your group treated like other student groups. WVU Spectrum is West Virginia University’s student-run organization dedicated to providing a social space for LGBTQ people and their allies in north central West Virginia.

As the Daily Caller notes, WVU “offers a handy guide on ‘Proper pronoun usage’ that explains how to swap out pronouns such as he, him and his for … pronouns such as ‘ve,’ ‘ver’ and ‘vis.’”

WVU may not be the first to try and criminalize proper grammar, though. New York City has already attempted something similar. Read that story below.

Source: Breitbart



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