Weapons Cache Found In Swedish Migrant Center

A weapons cache was discovered in the boiler room of a Swedish migrant center.

The weapons were detected when staff from a local energy company entered and read the meters of the boiler. They could not get in because the door was locked. After finding the master key, the staff could get in and then got to see what had been hidden in there, probably by the asylum seekers.It was not a question of a small hunting guns, but several real firearms according to respondents.They then called the local police who in turn contacted the security police.

Source: Gateway Pundit

It has been long suspected that ISIS operatives would be embedded among the Muslim refugees pouring into Europe from the Levant.

Although the weapons were not specified in the report, it can be assumed they were not being stored until whoever their owners were could get away to the range for the weekend. It looks like a serious incident has been narrowly avoided by the sheerest good luck. Hopefully this will wake up enough Swedes to the problems they’re facing so they’ll do something about it.



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