Watch: Vegas Shooting Body Camera Footage Released, No Broken Windows Reported

Las Vegas police have released video footage that provides a first peek into the actions of the Vegas police department on the fateful evening of October 1 when Stephen Paddock allegedly killed 58 people and wounded over 500 more.

More photos can be found here.

The first officer to enter the suite, Levi Hancock, did not activate his body camera, so the public will never see those first few seconds inside the room from which Paddock wreaked much of his havoc.

Instead, the footage comes from two K-9 officers — Sgt. Joshua Bitsko and David Newton. Both entered Paddock’s rooms a short time after Hancock. Paddock’s body already had been found on the floor.

Police did not say which videos belonged to which officer. –Las Vegas Review Journal

The videos, released in eight segments – four for each officer, begin with a race to the scene starting at each officer’s respective squad car shortly after the shooting began.

In one clip, through an officer’s windshield, the golden glow of Mandalay Bay grows brighter and brighter as he races closer and closer to the scene. In the background, police radio traffic describes the mass shooting scene as it grows progressively more dire.

Once inside the hotel, the officers walk the casino floor, guns drawn. They can be heard directing people to take cover and lock doors.

Keep looking at these people coming out,” one says to another officer. “Watch for weapons. Watch for weapons of the people coming out.” Shortly after, the police in the casino coordinate with the teams before beginning their ascent on a guest elevator to the 28th floor.

No broken windows?

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  1. nolan
  2. Karon Hudson

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