But what could possibly be more important than the mainstream media’s favorite distraction of the moment, stirring up discontent about the Confederate flag? Eric July has the perfect answer and he blasts it at the media via a Youtube video. Eric is the vocalist for street hop/metal band, BackWordz and he lays down a challenge to the media in just 92 seconds.
Check out his message on the Next Page:
James says that flag means certain things for too long. Using his logic, the US flag. Was a party to slavery for decades longer than that flag was, we rebels, the U.S. citizens to Britain, warred against the government over us. Do we ban the US flag now? It has a longer history of racism that that battle flag, which never stood for racism. It was a battle flag, later to be distorted by groups and individuals in some cases, like the US flag is.
we just may have to get a new flag,,,time will tell,.
This is so right.