Washington Times: Obama Has Decimated The Military, US Only ‘Marginally Able’ To Defend Itself

105 Admirals: Obama Is Degrading Entire U.S Navy

us navy In addition to killing off the Navy’s successful missile programs, Obama is cutting the Navy’s budget so much that the entire fleet is simply degrading, according to an unprecedented 105 retired Navy admirals and two Marine Corps generals.

“We are concerned that if the Department of the Navy is required to continue to respond to crisis after crisis without the funding needed to build new ships, repair old equipment and provide routine maintenance to existing equipment, the nation risks permanent damage to our national defense and negative impacts on the domestic and international economies that rely on the safety and security that U.S. sea power provides,” said the letter sent by the service advocacy group Navy Now. “As retired admirals and generals who have had the privilege of leading our military forces, we write to express our concern that the United States Department of the Navy is underfunded and overextended, placing our national defense, our Sailors and Marines, and the stability of the global economy at risk,” they added in the letter provided to Secrets. The retired admirals included vice chiefs of staffs, regional commanders and aircraft group commanders. Retired Marine Corps Commandant James Conway also signed the letter posted below. Among their demands:

— Build and maintain 306 ships (an increase from 289 today).

— Continue to provide vital combat support to our forces wherever they may be engaged.

— Update and maintain existing aircraft, invest in new designs and continue with critical modernization programs.

— Restore the fleet maintenance schedule that has been badly disrupted by 13 years of war combined with severe reductions in the number of ships.

— Replenish weapons inventories to required levels.

— Invest in the next-generation capabilities necessary for the Navy to remain relevant in the future.

Source: washingtonexaminer.com

MOVE TO PAGE 5 – Obama Has Army In A Death Spiral

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