Warning from Abroad: Hillary Just Like Politicians That Have Destroyed Europe, Trump is the Last Hope for Sovereignty

The upcoming election is about more than just the domestic and foreign policies that would be pursued by Trump or Clinton.  What is at stake is the very culture in which we will live.  Mrs. Clinton, like our current president, is dedicated to transforming our society into something very different using tools such as multiculturalism and political correctness.  A confirmed globalist, we could expect Hillary to support mass immigration, the subjugation of our Constitution to international laws and regulations, and the further exporting of American jobs overseas.

At least one foreign politician isn’t content to just sit and watch America deteriorate as we go down the path that Europe, and in particular his nation, has followed.  He has sent something of a “letter to America.”  And it goes like this:

Shooting to prominence after his first short video — released just hours before the Brussels terror attack in March this year — [Belgian People’s Party leader] Mr. [Mischaël] Modrikamen has once again slammed Hillary Clinton and called on Mr. Trump to help save America.

Repeating his call that the United States should not fall to the interests of globalism and multiculturalism as Western Europe has, Mr. Modrikamen says:

[The] Election is now close. Hillary Clinton is just the kind of politician we have here in Western Europe. Weak, globalist, obsessed by multiculturalism, despising ordinary people, but bending to elites and corporate interests.

Right now in Europe, we face migrant invasion, terrorism, violence, rapes. Our way of living is under attack, and industry jobs disappear fast.

Our current leaders failed. And candidate Clinton is just like them.

Mr. Modrikamen certainly has Hillary pegged.  It would be nice if more Americans could figure out what a danger she represents, and what are the likely fruits of the policies that a Hillary Clinton administration would pursue.  To provide further illustration of the danger Hillary and her allies present, he continues:

Speaking to Breitbart London just days after the deadly Brussels attacks in March, Mr. Modrikamen said Belgium had become a haven for Islamist radicals because it was a weak nation with no coherent identity, and remarked: “I don’t want the United States to become the new Brussels”.

We don’t want it to either, Mr. Modrikamen, and we thank you for your concern and for your insights.  Considering the forces arrayed against those of us who do not want to see the United States suffer under the same failed policies as Europe, we appreciate the warning.  Let’s just hope it’s not wasted.

Source:  Breitbart



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