US Debt Shrinks by $60 Billion Since Trump’s Inauguration

Donald Trump was elected in order to bring a businessman’s mind to the White House. Now, 50 days in, we’re already seeing the results. While Obama grew the deficit by hundreds of billions, Trump is making it smaller.

On January 20th, the day of the Trump Inauguration, the US Debt stood at $19,947 billion. On March 8th, more than a month later, the US Debt load stood at $19,879 billion. Trump has cut the US Debt burden by $68 billion and 0.3% in since his inauguration!

By comparison, under President Obama, the US Debt burden increased by more than $320 billion after his inauguration through March 8th 2009. Obama increased the US Debt by 3.1% during this time period and signed the trillion dollar ‘Stimulus’ bill which is widely considered a colossal failure and waste of US tax dollars as well. The failed ‘Stimulus’ did not kick in till later in Obama’s first year leading to Obama’s first year deficit of $1.4 trillion. Overall Obama doubled the US Debt during his Presidency and set records for highest deficits and the largest debt increase by any President ever.

Trump may talk a lot about spending big on infrastructure and entitlements, but it looks as if the efficiency by which his government is working may be able to make up for the bill.

It turns out you can improve the country while shrinking the debt — you just need a competent businessman in the White House making the decisions.

Source: The Gateway Pundit



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