UN-believable: United Nations Names Israel World’s Worst Human Rights Violator

The United Nations Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) held its yearly meeting last week.  Despite the fact that there are many countries throughout the Muslim world where women are not allowed to drive, vote, hold elected office, and can be stoned to death for being raped, the CSW condemned just one country in the world for violating women’s rights: Israel.

It seems that the United Nations actually believes the lies that the terroristic Palestinian regime are spreading to the world.

In an editorial, Fox News discusses how the United Nations is no longer just a punchline for jokes about an unproductive organization, but is actually dangerous.

On the ground, Palestinian women are murdered and subjugated for the sake of male honor, Saudi women can’t drive, Iranian women are stoned to death for so-called “adultery,” Egyptian women have their genitals mutilated and Sudanese women give birth in prison with their legs shackled for being Christian.

Isn’t it about time that people stopped calling the U.N. a harmless international salon or a bad joke?

The poison isn’t simply rhetorical. One of the Council resolutions adopted last week launches a worldwide witch-hunt for companies that do business with Israel – as part of an effort to accomplish through economic strangulation what Israel’s enemies have not been able to accomplish on the battlefield. The resolution casts a wide net encompassing all companies engaged in whatever the U.N. thinks are business “practices that disadvantage Palestinian enterprises.”

And the toxicity is self-perpetuating. Acting at the beck and call of Islamic states and their conduit – French Ambassador Elizabeth Laurin and Council President Choi Kyonglim selected Canadian law professor Michael Lynk as the newest U.N. “independent” human rights investigator on Israel.

Lynk’s qualifications? He has likened Israelis to Nazis, and challenged the legitimacy of the state of Israel starting in 1948 as rooted in “ethnic cleansing.”

The United States is the most important supporter of the UN Human Rights Council, and President Obama believes that we should have an even bigger role.  While the current administration claims to be an ardent supporter of the state of Israel, that notion is harder and harder to believe as Barack Obama advocates for an organization that thinks Israel is the most evil nation on the planet.

Source: Fox News

Photo: UN.org



  1. Bokhary

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