Uncle Sam’s 13 Most Evil Experiments On Humans

 Shiro Ishii

3. U.S. Complicity With Japanese Vivisectionist


During the Sino-Japanes War and World War II Dr. Shiro Ishii led Japan’s infamous Unit 731, which conducted violent human experiments on tens of thousands. Unit 731 investigated biological and chemical agents, but Ishii didn’t stop there.

He conducted vivisections (surgery on living subjects to examine their insides) without anesthesia, horrific and extreme psysiological torture so he could observe strokes, heart attacks, frost bite, hypothermia, and more.

When Japan’s defeat seemed inevitable, they blew up the Unit 731 complex and slaughtered the remaining test subjects.

General Douglas McArthur allegedly struck a deal with Ishii, granting the doctor immunity for his crimes in exchange for all germ warfare data he had gathered.

While it’s true that the United States had no direct responsibility for the limitless suffering and death Ishii oversaw, they were willing to implicitly condone  human torture and set him free.

There were no known vivisection experiments conducted by the United States, but there have been plenty of tests on the U.S. population that range from dubious to outright evil, like the ones on the next page:

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