UN Threatens Action In Response to California Drought


One NASA scientist recently stated that California only has a year of water left…and no back up plan.

Lynn Wilson, who serves on the climate change delegation in the United Nations, states that “Civilizations in the past have had to migrate out of areas of drought,” Wilson said. “We may have to migrate people out of California.”

Wilson stated that before that would occur, importing water is an option, but that migration can’t be taken off the table. Well, we are talking about 38 million people here needing water for everything from drinking to showers to running businesses. How much water can reasonably be imported for 38 million? It would seem that migration is inevitable….setting up the United Nations to be the savior they always claim to have been.

But, we aren’t only talking about the 38 million in California. The drought has taken hold of the southwest United States. To evacuate California alone would certainly be a major undertaking, but if we get sold on the fact that even more states need to be evacuated, would also likely get sold on the fact that we would need help from the ‘UN savior’?


The drought is certainly fortunate for the United Nations, who would love nothing more than to disarm and ‘absorb the United States under global governance, and a perfect excuse to acclimate US citizens to their presence would be a ‘natural disaster.’ Once UN boots are on the ground in massive numbers, you can expect that they would not be hastened to leave so quickly.

As it just so happens, several agendas can be connected through a probable evacuation of California and the southwest, as Dave Hodges of The Common Sense Show points out.

Simultaneous Agendas Connected to the Evacuation of California

For those that are wondering why I am presenting the notion of climate change without a change, it is your turn. Climate Change is a term which evolved out of  the term “global warming” which was debunked as a scientific concept as a result of the hacked emails discovery from East Anglia University in what became known as “Climategate” in which it was admitted that the scientists promoting the concept were cooking the books. Thus, “Climate Change” came into being. Now, man is responsible whenever there is a hail storm, snow storm, a tornado, etc. Any deviation in a “normal” weather pattern is due to man’s use of energy, particularly fossil fuels. Thus, the concept of Cap and Trade was born which would  hand over all energy to a few enlightened men so that they could save the planet. Forget save the planet, the science does not support the fraud. Handing over the world’s economy based on pseudo science is the goal. The present crisis in California helps to establish the public “legitimacy” of this goal and will serve to convince the people to give up their property, their rights and their fortunes in order to save the Earth. It will work because how many people in the general population knows the difference between a control group and an experimental group?

The proposed nation of Atzlan.

There is yet another reason connected to the evacuation of California at some point because of artificially caused drought. I previously written about the Atzlan concept as well as the role that MECHA and La Raza’s  have proudly stated as their intent to establish a new country entitled Atzlan. The concept has been in formal existence for over a decade. It is based on the premise that in 1848 the United States illegally provoked the Mexican War which resulted in the loss of the present American Southwest from the country of Mexico. The historical allegations by MECHA and La Raza are correct. However, most reasonable Americans see the solution as being more unreasonable than the war which led to the loss of land in the first place. Atzlan advocates call for the expulsion of people of European descent from this seven state area. At one time, I saw this as a race-baiting divide and conquer strategy intended to create an unnecessary rift between whites and Latinos. Now, I see this in an entirely different light. This is the beginning of the breakup of the United States under theNorth American Union and the SPP agreement signed by President George W. Bush.

The initial Jade Helm map is match for the Atzlan map.


If drought conditions can force evacuation under the auspices of the United Nations, the Atzlan concept could be a major step in the planned breakup by the United States by the United Nations. This would bring the United States closer in line to the following map which is also UN inspired. And the Jade Helm forces wil be on the street to enforce the exodous.

As the drought worsens, Jade Helm or its successor will be in place to facilitate the evacuation of California and eventually, the entire Southwest due to "water shortages".


Only, it is not just going to be California that is going to be evacuated, it is very likely to be the entire Southwest; California is just the start! Repetitively, in my home state of Arizona, we are hearing the MSM rhetoric that we in Arizona are headed towards a California type of drought while completely ignorning Arizona’s massive water canal system known as the CAP. Colorado, Utah and Nevada are hearing similar rhetoric. The is the preconditioning of the people, through the corporate controlled. six-headed monster media. This seven state area is going to picked off one state at a time. 

Created under UN auspices during the Nixon Presidency, this map represents the former United States broken up into regions. Certainly, KBR and Halliburton would be at the forefront of constructing new residences for "displaced Americans".


Where will the UN’s Lynn Wilson and Peter Sutherland send displaced Californians?

Don't Californicate America.

And is there any proof of this intention? Please consider these recently published photos sent to me by an Arizona resident who lives near Quartzite in which we see a large military presence in the town. And where is Quartzite? It is on the Colorado River located at the border between Arizona and California.

quartzsite 3


quartzsite 2


Why would U.S. troops be training on the Colorado River? Are the Russians going to be rafting down the river? Or, is it more likely that these troops are going to stationed at the Arizona/California ports of entry in order to receive refugees resulting from the mass migration of California residents due to the extreme and artificially controlled drought?

Analysis and Conclusion

I am in possession of 18 documents which clearly demonstrates that the Air Force has known how to control the weather to a large extent for almost 2 decades. I have published 3 of the documents which are listed below in the Appendix. The weather patterns in California, which are contributing to the drought, are anomalous to say the least and the length of time that this have been going on defies all statistical probabilities.

We have California coastal areas which seem to be operating outside the laws of the transpiration cycle. This can only be accomplished through the manipulation of the Jet Stream and the Jet Stream patterns have been unique. to say the least when it comes to California weather. The technology to do this is described in the various references in the Appendix (Exhibit 1; see also Dr. Nick Begich and his book “Angels Don’t’ Play This HAARP“).  Certainly, the drought in California could bring together the long-term dream of the globalists to control all energy under Cap and trade laws. Further, California provides an estimated 40-50% of certain agricultural products for the nation as a whole. A lack of water could have a devastating effect on the economy with regard to food pricing. If one’s goal is the collapse of the economy as a means to destroy the United States, this would be an excellent covert plan.

The presence of the UN on American soil is indeed troubling. However, California is just the beginning. To establish a New World Order, the globalists have to utterly destroy the main opposition which is our country. I submit that this process is already underway.

Source: thecommonsenseshow.com
Photo: Dregs of the Future



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