If a recent announcement is anything to go by, the fate of this year’s election may be determined by how quickly the State Department plans to comply with the aforementioned announcement.
In a move that comes as a surprise to many after FBI director James Comey’s refusal to prosecute Hillary Clinton for mishandling classified materials on her private email server, the State Department she once ran has declared that it will release all of the emails that pertained to her job as Secretary of State but were not turned over.
The decision was made following legal action on the part of Judicial Watch, a conservative group that has successfully sued the Obama administration into releasing documents it would rather Americans not see.
Unfortunately, the State Department has not made it clear when it will release the emails, meaning they may choose to publish them well after Hillary is situated in the White House.
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TRUMP may say things that people don’t like, but he is not a CORRUPT CRIMINAL and LIAR like KILLARY………………WE MUST STOP CORRUPT CROOKED LYING KILLARY…If she gets into OUR White House she will appoint the next Supreme Court Judge…GOD Forbid it be the MUSLIM POS OVOMIT. This will affect US, OUR CHILDREN and OUR GRAND CHILDREN for years to come. She will do her best to cost us OUR SECOND AMENDMENT RIGHTS, While keeping the Secret Service ARMED to protect HER SORRY$#%&!@*!!!! She will FLOOD OUR COUNTRY WITH SYRIANS, TERRORISTS, and ILLEGALS…. OUR Borders will NEVER BE CLOSED. AND all of this we will be FORCED TO PAY for with her PROMISED RISE IN TAXES on the MIDDLE CLASS. if that DOESN’T KILL US, we can always be BOMBED, BEHEADED, RAPED or MURDERED by ISIS….GET A CLUE, OPEN YOUR EYES, SEE HILLARY’S AMERICA , BUT THINK TWICE BEFORE YOU VOTE FOR THIS TRAITOROUS B*TCH !!!!!!….It is beyond me how so MANY can actually want to vote for this DESTRUCTION of OUR COUNTRY!!!!!!……………………….TRUMP 2016 !!!!!…
anyone else see the hidden message in this news article…very deceitful
Unfortunately, the State Department has not made it clear when it will release the emails, meaning they may choose to publish them well after Hillary is situated in the White House.
Evil lying Hillary
Look at that expression , bet Joe Biden just goosed her